Travelling to Kuusamo

Where is Kuusamo?

Kuusamo is in Northern Finland on the border Lapland. It is approximately 800 km (500 miles) from Helsinki to Adventure Apes Lodge “as the crow flies.”

Check out the map of Finland >>

TravelLing to Kuusamo


By Train +
A night train runs from Helsinki to Rovaniemi. We recommend the sleeping car so you can get a good nights rest before arriving to Rovaniemi. You can then travel from Rovaniemi to Kuusamo by car or bus. See more info below.

Travel time to Rovaniemi: varies by train, ranging from 8-11 hours

View more information at >>

  • Eco friendly option!

  • Catch the train from Helsinki, Tampere or Turku for example

  • Options for hypoallergenic, pets and disabled access


By Bus

It is easy to get to the lodge by public bus service either from Rovaniemi. Your destination is “Vasaraperä” and the bus stop is right in front of the Lodge.

Travel time from Rovaniemi bus station: 2h 15min - 3h

See bus schedules at >>

  • The timetable may be limited since this is a rural route. Please check the schedule well in advance if you are planning to travel by bus.


By Plane +
Direct flights from Helsinki (HEL) to Kuusamo (KAO) are the fastest way to get to the Lodge.

Travel time: 1h 20 min

Find flight times at >>

  • Rent a car from Kuusamo airport or contact Adventure Apes to arrange a pickup!
    If pickup is not included in your adventure package, there may be an additional fee.


By Car
Make it a road trip and travel to Adventure Apes Lodge by car. For sustainability reasons we recommend car pooling.

Travel times (approx.)…
from Helsinki: 9h 35min
from Tampere: 8h 45min
From Oulu airport: 3h 15min
from Rovaniemi airport: 2h
from Kuusamo airport: 30min

  • After your adventure: If you are renting a car, you can ly to your next destination from Kuusamo (KAO) or Rovaniemi (RVN) or take a train from Rovaniemi.

 Icons from the Noun project Car by Fasobrun Jamil, Plane by Guilherme Furtado, Train by Gisela Leyva, Bus by i cons.